Blessing Fatherless and Widows

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
James 1:27
Bob and Kathy Fitts have been leading worship internationally since 1984. The essence of their ministry is summed up in a song Bob wrote, "Take My Healing To The Nations". Another aspect of worshipping Jesus is in caring for fatherless and widows. Alabaster Ministries had its beginning in 1996 in response to the assassination of pastor and evangelist Julio Ruibal in Cali, Colombia. Through a “God Moment” that Bob had while ministering in Costa Rica just weeks after his assassination, he met Julio’s daughter, and Bob knew we wanted to minister directly to Julio’s widow, Ruth.
The Fitts’s flew Ruth and her assistant to Kailua-Kona, Hawaii to have a time to rest and refresh, and to be present during a benefit concert on her behalf.
Since that time, through generous donations, Alabaster Ministries has had impact on lives on every continent, building homes, providing medical expenses, vehicles, food, clothing and more, along with ongoing support for widows and their families, and children in need.
In their travels, leading worship in churches and ministries around the world, they have made deep relationships. With these, they have paid attention to the Holy Spirit’s direction upon hearing of needs for Fatherless and Widows. Over the years, Alabaster Ministries has touched lives in many nations including Nigeria, South Africa, Romania, Kosovo, England, Canada, China, Philippines, North Korea,
Alabaster Ministries serves as a conduit - keeping eyes, ears and spirits open to hear of relationally based (and thereby trustworthy) projects, and directing donations received to those projects. Operating as a 501(c)3 organization under the US Internal Revenue Service, tax deductible receipts are issued for donations. It is also important to note that all donations to Alabaster Ministries, aside from minimal administrative costs, go to the specified fatherless and widows and special projects.

While Bob sings "He Is Lovely" in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, people at the benefit worship concert for Ruth Ruibal drape lei around her neck in this 1996 video.
To see some of the locations Alabaster Ministries has been active, please see the "Projects" page on this website.
Join us in blessing Fatherless and Widows around the world
A US Tax Deductible receipt will be issued for your donation. FEIN 99-0357169