Alabaster Ministries Projects
Since 1996, Alabaster Ministries has had numerous special projects, both in person, as well as being supporting partners with others. Alabaster Ministries also provides ongoing support for individual fatherless and widows, and to organizations whose mission is to bless this precious group of people. Here are some of the people and countries served by Alabaster Ministries:

Since the war in late 1990's, Alabaster has provided
Relief for fatherless and widows
Tractor to be used in coop
Food and clothing
Medical expenses
Women's Center
4 WD vehicle

South Africa
Working with Emoyeni
​New home build for orphans
Remodeled home for a Grandma and her orphaned grandkids
Supported preschools
Food and clothing
Farm development for training fatherless/income for local ministry
Ongoing support of ministry to fatherless and widows

Surgical procedures for orphans
Support Christian orphanage
Support of Christian adoption center
- Ongoing support of ministry to fatherless and widows

After a tragic accident killed and injured a large group of pastors traveling to an event, Alabaster provided
Medical and funeral expenses
New church van
Guitar for newly-orphaned teen worship leader

Working with Hands On Houses,
New homes built for widows
Food and clothing
Ongoing support of ministry to fatherless and widows

Alabaster Ministries supports Worship4Change, a Nigerian NGO, which has raised and disbursed over N75 million (approximately US$100,000) to 34 charity institutions, thereby directly impacting thousands of underprivileged children across Nigeria.
- Education opportunities
- Building and supplying children's homes
- Medical assistance
- Care, occupational training and assistance for street kids

Food and clothing
Summer camps for orphans
Ongoing support for ministry to fatherless and orphans

South Sudan
Food and medical supplies to street children
Food for 100 widows
New home for a widow and her children

At the onset of the war with Russia
Transport and resettling of mothers and children in Poland
Food, clothing and medical assistance

On Bob and Kathy's first trip to eMazana, South Africa in 2008, they recorded this video sharing the heart of Alabaster Ministries

Join us in blessing Fatherless and Widows around the world
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