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January 2010 NEWS UPDATE

ISRAEL TOUR 2010…..JOIN US! Starting a brand new year, and soon a brand new decade. The last 10 years have been a dramatic opening to the 21st century, and it seems that while the darkness is getting darker, the light just keeps on getting brighter!!! Kathy and I have been overhwelmed at the goodness of God in the midst of all the tumult, and remember starting this past decade with a celebration on New Years Eve 1999/2000 in Singapore. We had been feeling for some time that God’s purposes for our family in Asia were going to come to fruition somehow in this decade, and that they have. We recorded with Integrity Music, “I Will Bow To You” in 2001, at “New Creation Church”, and as well toured several times throughout Asia being based in Singapore. We have watched as many of the Churches in Asia have expanded greatly during this decade. We have also watched as much of the worlds attention has been turning to this region, and being from Hawaii, ( a perfect bridge from the U.S. to Asia) we have felt very much at home in our extensive travels between the U.S. and Asia particularly the last 5 years. We hear numerous reports of God’s amazing love being poured out, and are excited to see the most populated region of the world beginning to fill with songs of love for Jesus, and pour out to other nations around the world. Speaking of such, Kathy and I have been given an extraordinary opportunitty to join with New Creation Church, on a tour of Israel and Jordon this coming Spring. (See Brochure Below)We will be leading the worship while Pastors from the Church will give inspiring insights on the amazing goodness and grace of God displyed in the life of Jesus and the early Church. We’d love to have you join us! We had the pleasure of being part of this tour in 2008, and found it to be an amazing time of inspiration and renewal. Come and see how the world has been……. and is being impacted through the perfect grace of God in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!! - See more at:

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