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Compassion For Humanity

Along with the rest of the world, Kathy and I have been observing one human tragedy after another over the past few months, and are alarmed at the increasing and obvious brokenness of mankind, as well as the groaning of creation demonstrated in all these disturbing events.

A number of years ago, we were reading in the book of James (1:27) about God’s heart for fatherless and widows, and realized then that worship for God always leads us to have compassion and care for others. As a result, we formed a wing of our worship ministry called Alabaster Ministries which is focused on helping “Fatherless and Widows” around the globe. While our primary purpose continues to be, and will always be, on magnifying Jesus in worship, we are also fully aware that the more we see Jesus, and His love for all, our desire increases to touch those who are broken and without hope. It always amazes me that when we gaze on Him, we begin to see through His loving eyes, and as such become His arms of love in both emotional and practical ways to help those in need.

When Alabaster Ministries started, our first endeavor was a benefit concert for Ruth Ruibal, the wife of Evangelist and Pastor Julio Ruibal of Cali Columbia, who was used for many years to mightily impact Latin America, and as a result was martyred in 1995. What a special honor to worship with Julio’s widow not long after his death. Together with a large gathering of believers in Hawaii, we blessed Ruth and her two daughters in a benefit concert.

This became the genesis of a ministry that Kathy and I feel has been raised up to be a conduit of blessing to the many Fatherless and Widows we come in contact with as we travel to lead worship. With world events unfolding as they are, we want to invite you to join with us in displaying to the broken people of this world, that as we look to and exalt Jesus, He becomes healing and life to all who will receive.

Kathy will attest to this, that we rarely, if ever, speak about Alabaster Ministries. We have been blessed to bless others around the world for almost 20 years quietly and without saying too much about it. In light of current events worldwide, perhaps now we will become a bit more vocal in making opportunities for others to join us in being God’s heart and healing to the nations.

Having said all of this, please check out our Alabaster Ministries website at (and on Facebook) to see some of our projects and ministry partners. Should you wish to donate and join with us, you will be able to do so from our website. All funds go directly to bless Fatherless and Widows, as there are no overhead or staff costs for this ministry. Alabaster Ministries is a U.S. Government endorsed 501(c)(3) organization, and is able to issue tax deductible receipts for U.S Citizens.

We are so grateful that Jesus’ commission to us when He left was to go and preach the GOOD NEWS TO ALL NATIONS. There is nothing more wonderful than to say to fatherless and widows ‘You are not fatherless, and you are not alone, widows; your Maker is now your husband….and He will generously take care of you!!’

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