In Singapore

It was 25 years ago I was blessed to lead worship at the "Festival Of Praise" held at the Indoor Stadium here in Singapore. I will never forget that year the theme for the National Day Celebration was "My Singapore" All over the city we kept seeing the beautiful banners declaring these words. I so clearly remember the Holy Spirit whispering to me at that time...."This is my Word to you" Could never have imagined then the bond that God would put in both Kathy's and my heart for this Country, and for the beautiful, vibrant, multi-generational and multi-denominational Churches that so generously grace the people of Singapore! We are here now 25 years later, fully half the life of the Nation, to rejoice with, and pray blessing over "Our Singapore"! May the beauty of God's great love and compassion flow from these shores to the entire planet, and may Jesus be even more greatly glorified through the islands......THIS ISLAND OF THE SEA......"My Singapore" Glory to God for 50 years of God's love and faithfulness to the Nation!!
To all our beloved friends and family in Jesus....every time we worship with you, and see the beauty of His face on the Church as you worship, we fall in love with our Awesome majestic God all over again. Thank you for such fabulous times of celebration, healing and compassion for the Nations. May the overwhelming goodness of this Gospel bring restoration to all peoples around the world! You are His great family to us!