Worship For Change - Nigeria

Sunday night, 11 October 2015, Kathy and I were privileged to be part of a benefit concert with Worship For Change in Lagos, Nigeria. Since 2006, organizations working with "at risk" children in Nigeria have been the recipients of the generosity shown through these concerts (and we have participated in several of these).
This year, the benefit was for GEMS, a Christian school in Lagos that educates children from a community of people that are beggars by profession. These people have migrated from northern Nigeria, are Muslim, and have relied on their children to help with the family's income. Mrs. Oluwa Funmilayo David noticed the children as she would drive through the area of the city where they lived and worked. With a heart of compassion and care, what began as a feeding program for them developed into a school. Even though the parents, by culture, are not in favor of, nor place high value in education, they have consented to their children going to this school even with the understanding that the school is Christian and teaches Christian principles. Since 2009, Mrs. David has given herself to this very important mission. Now in its seventh year, the first group of children has moved on to secondary school, having provided for them what would not have happened otherwise.
The funds raised through the concert will be used to acquire a larger school facility, more materials, increased staff, and the ability to continue to cover the uniforms and meals for the students. If you would like to join in giving to this very special cause, you can donate with Paypal through our Alabaster Ministries. Please send a note designating it to Worship For Change. All funds received will go exclusively to the GEMS Christian School in Lagos, Nigeria.