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The Modern Day Esther

The past few years have been an extremely tumultuous time worldwide.  It is rare that I write anything about current events, but in light of the ongoing conflicts in Israel and the Middle East, I feel it is appropriate to do so at this time.   

Probably most everyone who is reading this will be aware of the challenges we have been confronted with not just in America, but around the globe as concerning the nation of Israel. The horrific attacks on October 7th 2023  against innocent civilians in southern Israel were unspeakably wicked, and prayerfully a serious wake up call  to the entire world.  

Even more alarming has been the sinister rising of a dark antisemitic spirit that has reared its evil head  here in the United States following these attacks. Kathy and I are a part of the “baby boomer” generation, and we vividly recall the abhorrent evil that took place in Europe during World War II against the Jewish people only a decade before our births.  It is simply beyond belief that this has been forgotten, and that we are seeing this malevolence once again being promoted, and shockingly,  in major educational institutions in America!!

Just a few years ago, the Biblical story of Esther began to  capture my heart, and certainly recently as it has so many parallels to what are seeing take place today.   The evil character of Haman, who perpetrated lies to his King in order to curry favor and eliminate the Jewish people, so reminds me of the terrorist organizations who have boldly and without reservation been the source of these recent attacks. Even the name “Hamas” is only one letter difference from “Haman”.  Just one letter distinguishes the two names, but I am convinced they both have their genesis in the same vicious, dark spirit.

In the dramatic story in the book of Esther there are 5 main characters: King Ahasuerus, Mordecai, the King’s diaries, Haman, and of course, Esther. This woman of God became the catalyst for the exposure of a plan set by Haman to destroy the Jewish people throughout the Persian Empire.  I am convinced that there is a current parallel taking place before our eyes worldwide, and that much like the Biblical story, we are watching as the exposure of evil against God’s people is being brought to light through the same characters in a modern day reenactment of this story of justice and protection.

The King: Modern day parallel I believe represents world leadership who are being played by lies and misconceptions regarding the truth of Hamas’ ongoing role against the nation of Israel, and its right-standing as a nation.

Mordecai: Modern day parallel seems clear as over and over these past few years we have seen“whistleblowers” come forward to expose hidden strategies and agendas set behind the scenes to sabotage righteous judgment in the U.S. and around the globe toward Israel.

Kings’ Diaries: Modern day parallel, just like Mordecai’s exposure of traitors toward the King, the record of this righteous action kept in the diary of the King was miraculously revealed at just the right time to expose evil plans to destroy the Jews.

Haman: As mentioned earlier, modern day parallel, the destructive plans of Hamas, and organizations like it, to destroy the Nation of Israel.

Esther: Modern day parallel, the people of God walking in God’s amazing grace and supernatural favor, who are placed in key positions of influence to expose and change the narrative of what is truly taking place physically and spiritually regarding Israel, and all the nations of this planet.

ATTENTION WORSHIPING CHURCH……WE ARE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, WE ARE THE MODERN DAY ESTHER!  The King of heaven and earth has extended His scepter of favor toward us, and the world must pay attention.  As we see and hear the choirs and songs of worship rising in stadiums and churches around the globe, know this: through our worship, the Hamans are being publicly exposed, deposed and judged on the gallows they themselves built for the Jewish people! Injustice is being supernaturally revealed and judged, secret records are coming to light making known the quiet acts of courage that have been hidden for years, and Mordecais are being publicly rewarded for their quiet commitment to righteousness.  In these, which can be frightening times for the people of God, we are watching as God is turning the tables, and causing the Hamans of this conflict to have to parade the Mordecais of our time through the city proclaiming their deeds of courage and selflessness.

Most importantly, as in the Biblical account, we watch as our King Jesus is giving the command to His people to go forth, and through the light of God’s love, and  the Good news of His grace, destroy the dark and horrific deeds of evil that have sought to stop that love from covering and healing this earth. May the sounds of celebration and feasting, just as recorded in  Esther Chapter 8, begin to replace the sounds of weeping and sorrow.   Worship our God beloved church, you are His bride, you are His Esther who has been favored to bring healing to the nations.

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