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The Song of Moses

      As a songwriter, I’m often looking for lyrics, themes, or just interesting melodies that catch my attention for future song projects.   While I am not a prolific writer, it is, I think, second nature for me to be constantly aware of the plethora of opportunities that surround me daily for putting pen to melody in order to capture those life lessons for future encouragement for me and others!!

      Historically, one of the most famous of these “opportunities” that was forever captured in song (not by me of course), and then recorded in Scripture took place after God’s people watched their awesome Defender God miraculously deliver them from what appeared to be certain destruction for their entire people.

     The book of Exodus tells us this awe inspiring, and well….yes, song inspiring story of God’s strong Hand of rescue for the people of Israel from their slave holders, and the ensuing story of their journey into their own land of inheritance.    This story has been told over and over again since that time, but in ever changing circumstances, and certainly not just for them, but for all of us who through faith have been grafted into this grand story of rescue, through the overwhelming love and strength of God.

        The “Song of Moses”….a song penned with such passion and joy at the dramatic victory from the armies of Egypt, is what the Nation of Israel needs once again today, not just the political nation of Israel, but also the “People of God, Israel” as we daily face battles on a personal level, involving a multitude of different enemies.    

        Recently we have seen so many of our family and friends facing dramatic challenges through physical illness that have brought many of them to the place of having to confront end-of-life on earth circumstances.  While we know in faith that battle has already been won at the cross, still we face the emotion and struggle associated with these kinds of sometimes catastrophic situations.  Still in all of this….over and the over the Holy Spirit keeps whispering this single word into my spirit: STRENGTH!    It is such a prevalent word in the Bible - just look it up and see how much it is used in a multitude of verses, each one declaring His strength over and for us.    THE LORD MY GOD MY STRENGTH AND MY SONG…HAS NOW BECOME MY VICTORY (Exodus 15:2).  It is so beautiful in this particular Scripture and in its context, that out of such a truly catastrophic circumstance, God not only showed Himself strong to the people, He also gave them a new song of victory as well.

     In the unique challenges that are a part of life for each of us, we know this truth,  “… in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37).  To each one reading this little note,  God is saying this word to you: I AM YOUR STRENGTH, I AM YOUR SONG.  No matter where you, are or what you face, my prayer for you is that you will hear these words in your spirit in this “now moment”: STRENGTH. He is that for you! Right now He is your NEW SONG.   Sing it out, my friends.   Join the multitudes of choirs over time that have raised their voices in declaration of His strength, and victory over every confrontation they faced.    SING BELOVED, SING THE SONG OF MOSES!

PHOTO:  My Dad’s guitar

My father recently stepped into heaven, and did so not long after the family gathered around his bed singing songs of worship to Jesus.  Dad’s story of salvation began with a tragedy when he was 17 years old:  his mother was killed in a car accident on Mother’s Day, and the profound emotional battle of that event led him to the decision to offer his life, and his music to Jesus.   I am forever grateful for his legacy of song in Jesus, and that he so lovingly passed it on to his first-born son.   

On what would have been his 89th birthday last December, I wrote these lyrics to my Texas-born Daddy:

"Do they sing country music up in heaven

Do the angels tap their feet on streets of gold

Are the harps and heaven’s banjos made by Gibson

Tell me Daddy is it country up in heaven?

And I know that that they must sing your favorite song

Praising God from who all blessings flow

The angels swayin', guitars playin' praises ages long

Just like you, Dad, God loves country best of all!”




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