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Worship is the declaration of Jesus’ authority on earth!

Matthew 6:10

“Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”

     My greatest fulfillment as a worship leader/song writer is proclaiming publicly in song and speech the truths of the prayer Jesus taught us to pray ”YOUR KINGDOM COME ON EARTH as it is in heaven”.  The first recording I was blessed to do with Integrity’s Hosanna! Music in 1989 was titled “The Lord Reigns”.  Since the release of that recording, God has blessed Kathy and I to circle the globe multiple times, making this declaration in songs of worship! The power of this is so far beyond what any of us can imagine.  With the current worldwide political and spiritual chaos, we the people of God have been blessed with the privilege of being bearers of great news….JESUS REIGNS IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUTH!  As we all have learned in our relationship with Christ, this doesn’t often seem the case. Truth is, history clearly shows that the influence for good the Church worldwide has had is irrefutable!  I am so grateful to be a part of the 2.6 billion believers today who are participating through their worship, declaring that the righteous King Jesus of all heaven and earth, is the ruler and superseding power in the affairs of mankind.   Say it out, sing it out, declare in song, word and deed: Jesus the Christ forever reigns righteously and majestically in the earth!

  • Video is from New Creation Church, Singapore in March 2023. Used by permission.


1 Comment

Nov 15, 2024

I’ve only recently become acquainted with Bob Fitts worship on my Pandora App. I am thrilled to find another (rare) worship minister who sings/worships from the depth of his soul. Truly ministers to my spirit. Thank you for putting Jesus first.

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